When it’s time to get a new website here’s a checklist of questions TeazMedia will ask you:

  1. Why do you want to have a new website, or have your current site redesigned?
    This helps us understand what your initial goals are for a website.

  2. Can you describe your business in a few sentences?
    This answer will be something like an elevator pitch which can be used as part of your homepage content.

  3. What is there about you and your business that sets you apart from your competitors?
    This is your unique selling proposition.

  4. What problems do your products or services solve?
    This can be used for additional homepage content and product / service pages.

  5. What background or industry designations do you have?
    This is information that can be used in the About Us section of your website.

  6. Do you have a slogan or tagline?
    This can be useful for site visitors to remember you by.

  7. Can you describe your potential customers?
    Demographic information such as income, interests, gender, and age can help guide our website design process.

  8. What is your budget for this project?
    This serves as a box for features that can be placed inside your website while guiding which framework to build your site on and how many pages it can contain. Keep in mind that costs may include a domain name purchase (if a brand new site), hosting plan purchase (where your website files will live), SSL certificate, and the design costs.

  9. Who are the decision makers and stakeholders on this project?
    These are the folks we should include in project emails and decision sign-offs. Will there be a single point-of-contact?

  10. What is your deadline for completing the site?
    Factors to consider: number of pages, features, 3rd party processes and budget.

  11. Can you provide 2 – 3 other website examples that you like and tell us what you like about them?
    This can include what you don’t like too. It helps us to understand your design preferences.

  12. Do you have a logo?
    A logo (we prefer a PNG file with a transparent background) and also a brand manual will help insure that your website looks professional.

  13. Are you planning to do online sales?
    If so, how many items do you want to sell online? E-commerce sites have a lot of moving parts – online order-taking that makes people feel comfortable sharing their credit card information, order-filling, shipment tracking, customer service, and the list goes on. Are you set up to accept credit cards?

  14. How many forms does your website need?
    Many websites have at least one contact form.

  15. What contact information should be included on your website?
    This may include your email address and phone number.

  16. Will you provide a Privacy Policy?
    California businesses are required to have one on their website.

  17. If you were using a search engine, what words or phrases would you use to find your site?
    Have three to five terms. This helps us implement SEO (search engine optimization) best practices so that your website is easier to find online.

  18. Will you need a blog?
    Regular blog posts on your website help with SEO while helping potential customers learn more about you.

  19. Will you need social media services?
    You may want to syndicate your blog posts to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Do you have business pages set up on social media?

  20. Do you have a separate PPC marketing budget?
    Once your website is up and running the next phase for acquiring new leads and customers should include a budget for pay-per-click marketing. These campaigns are designed so that your website is placed in front of the right eyes.

  21. Do you need a slider / gallery?
    A slider is a large rotating gallery that sometimes is placed at the top of a homepage or landing page.
  22. Do you want testimonials on your website?
    Testimonials or reviews provide praise for your business and help new visitors see what others have experienced with your business.

Fill out our website project questionnaire here:

New Website Questionnaire

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