Users Want Answers

Feel free to scroll to the bottom and just click the link for the Hacker News Google+ discussion taking place.

The real name policy that Google defends – and that puts a brick atop the head of what we call Google+ – has not been easy to swallow for many users, including those who have experience in this industry or in user experience.

The combining of a Google+ profile with one’s YouTube account and subsequent comments has not been sitting well with many. I’m not too sure why the claim that real names produce more insightful, mature, and polite comments is even offerred these days – too much evidence exists to the contrary as well as to its harm ( just it). However, whatever the beliefs are at the Google management table, user experience can not ignore the trend of hostility that many once happy Google users are now contributing too.

How many bricks have to be picked up by how many users before Google realizes that there is a problem?

The question below was recently asked on the Hacker News board :

Google employees, why is G+ more important than your users?

I think this is one of the most interesting and user-centric questions that I’ve seen in quite some time at Hacker News.

The discussion is important because it affects users of Google+, practitioners of user experience, and all of us using products that make us feel like picking up a brick over.

So please, take a couple of minutes and read the answers and discussions taking place now over :

Google employees, why is G+ more important than your users?

Rather than picking up a brick to toss at Google (or myself 🙂 ), feel free to join the conversation – there or here below.

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