Twitter Link Summary Cards Ruin Twitter

Why I will tweet less. Twitter seems intent on becoming more Facebooky. We will now see more noise in our timelines as Twitter introduces its link summary cards that will now auto-expand URLs so that tweets will include a photo, headline and text snippets from the link included inside a tweet.

Why Ello There

10 Reasons I've written about Ello in the past and thought that I'd just include this article about why some are choosing to be here. 10 Reasons to Ello A place for creatives where even the mundane can live, Ello is that beach spot one goes to unwind and escape the algorithm-drunk ad-targeting-craze of most […]

Ello Ello App

Okay, after taking the new Ello app for a spin, I can say that it's missing some important features. However, this fringe arty, creative community has something important going for it – respect for users.

My Thoughts About Facebook Instant Articles

For the record, I think that Instant Articles (IA) have a steep UX hill to climb. The media in general has been raising arms up and down while kneeling before the face of Facebook’s new Instant Articles newsfeed feature that will allow publishers to host content directly on Facebook so that it lives natively on […]

Facebook Algorithm Study Is Really A PR Release

It’s biased pseudo-scientific “research” data that mainstream media threw on a table, lobotomized and offered back to us, sometimes uglier than the original but in agreement with its wonky framework.

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