Impossible Burger 2.0
Hey Impossible Foods, can we work for you? I was already a fan of version 1.0, but this is a legit game changer. A plant-based burger this delicious needs to be tried by everyone. It will amaze you. Thanks Impossible Foods for making the eve of my one year veganversary a memorable one! Maybe it’s a good idea we don’t work for Impossible Foods. There would be too many sample requests and taste testings in search of the right adjectives and keywords.
Is All Publicity Good
Not Always Like poking a croc with a PETA tweet, the Twitterverse appropriately responded. See: PETA tweet and the replies. Maybe PETA proved this: There’s no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary. Alienating more vegans is not how you do good PR, PETA. Need some social media help? Here’s one free tip. You don’t respond to your critic’s tweets with, “Thanks for your support! Complete your donation now:” That’s not how you do a call-to-action. It’s what happens though when you’re not on top of what your bot is doing. The crocs are toying with PETA now by using the hashtag #donate with @peta in a tweet. Avoid writing your own obituary!
It’s Impossible
HeresThaTea: Yep, I’m a big fan of The Impossible Burger! This is the company I expect to see big things from. If you haven’t tried this burger yet and are in Silicon Valley, here’s the spot where they cook it just right. The Counter – Santana Row