A geeky pic or social bit on March 20, 2018 at 07:19PM
Social Media Buzz For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/tMdfkz6jSzN Something to sip or spill tea over. Social and Tech News.
A geeky pic or social bit on March 19, 2018 at 10:45PM
Social Media Buzz For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/QCHzPWYckzN Something to sip or spill tea over. Social and Tech News.
Teany Random Bits March 13, 2018 at 06:28PM
Rumors began swirling late last week that the photo-sharing app Instagram had miraculously decided to reverse the two-year-old decision to implement an algorithmic feed. The “rumor” is just another example of how quickly social platforms can amplify misinformation. Instagram has outright denied it. UX is rarely a part of Instagram product decisions.
A geeky pic or social bit on March 13, 2018 at 06:24PM
Social Media Buzz For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/7H6bt995kvN Something to sip or spill tea over. Social and Tech News.
A geeky pic or social bit on March 08, 2018 at 12:09PM
Social Media Buzz For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/ZJNMgXNcWqN Something to sip or spill tea over. Social and Tech News.