Is Your Website Reaching The Right Audience?

The right audience should be helping your business increase its revenue. You have a slick website that tells your story and explains why visitors should use your product or service. It hopefully was built with search engine optimization (SEO) as a goal. (If TeazMedia built it, we had SEO in mind during every design decision made on your site.) This means that your site is easily found during online searches. Hopefully your site has a regular blog section that is used to inform or to share snippets about what you do. Those blog posts help with organic reach as they get shared across the web and particularly social media. It’s the kind of stuff that the search engines love. Now it’s time for the next phase in attracting new customers. PPC Pay-Per-Click Marketing When someone googles a service or product that they are looking for, you probably want your business to pop up as high as possible on the search engine result page (SERP). There is so much online competition from businesses though, your SEO juiced website will require the extra boost of paid-for advertising to get in front of the right eyes today. Those eyes should belong to people who have a strong intent on buying what you offer. At this phase, it’s time to create a monthly PPC budget that will be used to help match those eyes with what you have. The goal here is to convert online searchers to your customers. Putting your business in front of the right eyes is what PPC marketing is all about. When you decide that you are ready to grow your business and have a marketing budget to do just that, it’s time to talk to TeazMedia about a pay-per-click campaign. You set the budget and we’ll manage the details. We’ll become your PPC sherpa to help guide your online marketing goals. So let’s keep it simple. Here’s What to Expect We’ll discuss what a fare and reasonable budget should look like based on your business goals. Much of this is based on how much value a new customer brings when they buy from you and what their life-time-value is over time. Goals We’ll ask you a few questions about your exact goals. Are you interested in building awareness about what you do? Do you want people to visit your homepage? Do you want people to fill out and submit a form? Do you need a landing page (a standalone web page created specifically for the purposes of your marketing or advertising campaign)? Do you want people to call you? Keywords Because you know your business better than us, we’ll collaborate with you on words and phrases that your potential customers might use when googling the product or service that you offer. Ad Design TeazMedia will create a textual ad campaign based on the above information. This might include designing a landing page people will reach when they click on the link in a Google search page. Reporting We’ll provide you with weekly and monthly reports on how your campaign is doing. You’ll hear a lot about conversion rates as we measure the goals accomplished after a visitor clicks your link. Again, we’ll handle the details. Results The first month is typically used to research and set-up your campaign while we just start to analyze the data produced from it. This data will help us tweak your campaign to make sure your goals are being reached. The second and third months are typically used for more analysis and fine tuning as we begin to see positive traction. We recommend that the first three months be considered a learning and ramp up phase for performance (some say six months). Say As your PPC sherpa, TeazMedia will take away the messy details and let you focus on doing what you do best—making new customers happy. Your competitors are probably using PPC marketing already because it works when managed right. We do it better. Say
Google Ad Expectations
Set Your Expectations Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) is the next level of marketing a business should focus on. After your SEO optimized website is up and running, your end-game goals of increased conversions can be reached by setting up a Google Ad campaign.