PR Tip: Don’t Blame Users

For Poor Quality Frankly some women’s bodies just don’t actually work for it. ~ Chip Wilson, Lululemon on it’s Yoga pants problem. Instead of discouraging folks from using your product, it’s usually better to fix your quality issues. Oh, their bodies work fine, but some mouths just don’t work with PR. [Update]:Chip Wilson apologizes (kind […]

Undo The Twitter Images

Tweets Are Best Served Read When Twitter introduced expanded images and videos in-stream, it meant that the timeline would become less useful for power users. The Twitter timeline was traditionally full of plain text information – quickly skim-able and digestible. Now the timeline is going to be cluttered with marketer / advertiser “a-picture-is-worth-a-thousand-words” look-at-me’s.

UE: 99¢ Is Better Than $1.00

A penny saved is a penny earned. In the world of user experience, a penny solution can be the difference between acquiring a user or sending her to a different product. When you keep an eye only on dollar value solutions, users may balk and find their solution elsewhere.

Rounding My View with Skeuomorphism

Skeuomorphism Is Not A Flat View Sometimes I believe that many of today’s designers are pretty good at listening to other designers, but really bad at hearing or knowing users. Sometimes designs spring from a bubble (round, yes) but end up flat.

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