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As Seen Through Social Media on September 08, 2015 at 07:39AM

The fact that @NicoleArbour considers herself a comedian is the only thing truly offensive about this situation – Seen On Twitter Fat shaming is offensive I'm just a regular dude, but find Nicole Arbour's fat shaming video controversy well deserved. You don't use social media this way, Nicole. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes […]

As Seen Through Social Media on September 02, 2015 at 08:19PM

Always Keep Smiling!! It takes no energy and never hurts! Learned that from the Street!! – Idris Elba Too street to play James Bond? Still, wise words for anyone in the middle of daily fires or swapping hats multiple times during a day. Sign-off on projects shaken, not stirred – with a smile.

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