The Internet Tells Twitter No

But Who Is Twitter Listening To? Yesterday, the twitterverse shook when it was announced that Twitter is experimenting with autoplay videos in the timeline.

Say No To Email Tracking

Care Remember, marketers often use pixel tracking within emails to determine if you’ve opened an email and where from. By disabling auto-downloading of images in your email client, you can bypass that.

Logo First, Then Website

Order of Operations Just as we are accustomed to doing math problems in a certain order known as order of operations – left to right, exponents, multiplication & division, addition & subtraction – with branding and website design, it’s helpful to get the branding order done right too. Logo Generally, this means that a logo […]

Lived Long & Prospered

Leonard Nimoy will be missed. Not only do we say bye to Spock, but also a great photographer. He made the voyage fun when I was growing up.


Teacup Logic Ever take one of those Myers-Briggs personality tests?

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