As Seen Through Social Media on September 08, 2015 at 07:39AM

The fact that @NicoleArbour considers herself a comedian is the only thing truly offensive about this situation – Seen On Twitter Fat shaming is offensive I'm just a regular dude, but find Nicole Arbour's fat shaming video controversy well deserved. You don't use social media this way, Nicole. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes […]

As Seen Through Social Media on September 02, 2015 at 08:19PM

Always Keep Smiling!! It takes no energy and never hurts! Learned that from the Street!! – Idris Elba Too street to play James Bond? Still, wise words for anyone in the middle of daily fires or swapping hats multiple times during a day. Sign-off on projects shaken, not stirred – with a smile.

Socializing on September 02, 2015 at 10:24AM

Social Media Photo For The Day via Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

Socializing on September 01, 2015 at 10:42AM

Social Media Photo For The Day via Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

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