Write Once, Post Anywhere

Write smart! If you frequently write stuff (content) that is shared to a blog, email newsletter, social media platform or anyplace that might appear on the web you might find this short course (broken up into even shorter following segments) useful. This series is designed to share some tips that save me time so that […]

Social Snap on September 28, 2015 at 12:37PM

Social Media Photo For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/rppVq4Twf8x Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

Social Snap on September 21, 2015 at 09:15PM

Social Media Photo For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/CNjSyrYqW2x Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

Social Snap on September 18, 2015 at 07:02AM

Social Media Photo For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/tbHFfhJ5CYw Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

Social Snap on September 17, 2015 at 12:13PM

Social Media Photo For The Day via https://ifttt.com/share/n8r8TZSd7Yw Something to sip tea over. Something probably related to social media, user experience (UX) or web design. Follow for the tea, the pixels or just the lulz.

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