My Markdown Writing Fetish

Markdown Fetish Okay, I may have a fetish for writing Markdown. See Tea’z Markdown Post Plain text is my world, my Shangri-La. Maybe that’s another reason I prefer tweets to status updates.

Twitter’s Not Going Anywhere

Twitter’s Here To Stay [Update]: But, in 2016, many ask for how long and power-users say that Twitter must be saved. [Update]: TWTR (Twitter Stock Symbol) went public on November 7th, 2013 with an opening price of $45.10

Why Twitter Works

KISS Principle The Keep it simple, stupid principle is generally a solid and tested rule of thumb in design. Personally, I like simple designs because they tend to be more elegant and intuitive – with fewer issues.

Keeping It Real *Nyms

Real Names & #NymWars I feel that freedom of expression is given to people who stand up for what they say and not hiding behind anonymity. We need to evolve a platform to meet the needs of the grown-up Internet. Arianna Huffington Keeping it “real” does not require a name. It requires “real” words.

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